plugins/docker failed to resolve Keycloak hostname?
After integrating Docker registry with Keycloak, the publishing step failed to authenticate with Docker Registry.
The full error message is:
1time="2021-01-26T13:44:18.485121053Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.40/auth returned error: Get Get******&client_id=docker&offline_token=true&service=aws-docker-registry: dial tcp: lookup on no such host"
is a local hostname which can be resolved on the host. How can I make it resolvable inside the plugins/docker
I found some similar issues:
but they are slightly differences.
Look at this:
How to run a pipeline step only when pushing to a new branch?
GitHub sends push hook when pushing to a new branch and merging a PR. How can we distinguish between them?
We are running integration test by triggering a downstream build when a PR is merged into specific branches. In the downstream repository, we pull all the docker images which has been built and pushed from upstream. The thing is we also used the drone-convert-pathschanged to only publish what modules has been changed.
So, what happens when pushing to a new release-*
How to perform integration testing in Go?
Integration testing can be triggered by using Drone downstream plugin:
1steps: 2- name: trigger 3 image: plugins/downstream:linux-amd64 4 settings: 5 params: 6 - COMMIT_BRANCH=${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH} 7 repositories: 8 - repo/integration-test@${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH} 9 server: 10 token: 11 from_secret: drone_token
It can be separated with unit tests by using build tags:
1// +build integration 2 3package webserver_test
Then we can write code to perform integration test as usual.
How to trigger build steps based on modified directory?
Using monorepo with multiple micro services, every single commit will trigger a full lint/test/build/publish for every service. What can I do to limit the scope?
To do that, we can use git diff
to show changes between commits:
1 if [[ -n "${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}" ]]; then 2 most_recent_before="origin/${DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH}" 3 elif [[ "${DRONE_BUILD_EVENT}" = "push" && ("${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}" = "master" || "${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}" = "release-"*) ]]; then 4 if [[ "${DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE}" = "$zero" ]]; then 5 exit 0 6 else 7 most_recent_before="${DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE}" 8 fi 9 fi 10 modified_files=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only "${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA}".."${most_recent_before}");
Drone build is not triggered after pushing code to Gitea?
I pushed code to Gitea and nothing happens in Drone. Why?
But if I go to Settings -> Webhooks, then click “Test Delivery” -> build pipeline will be executed. Why?
First, look at the “Recent Deliveries” to see if a webhook is triggerd here when you pushing code. In my case, it’s not. So, looks like the problem is on Gitea side.
By pay close attention to the git output when pushing:
1Counting objects: 4, done. 2Delta compression using up to 4 threads. 3Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. 4Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 2.02 KiB | 2.02 MiB/s, done. 5Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) 6hint: The 'hooks/pre-receive' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. 7hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`. 8hint: The 'hooks/update' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. 9hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`. 10hint: The 'hooks/post-receive' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. 11hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`. 12To gitea.pi:quanta/blog.git 13 + d29f63d...47e9ed3 master -> master (forced update)