How to add full text search to my static website?
After building the website, I want to add search function. There are some ways to do it:
- ElasticSearch: setup and maintenance cost
- MongoDB: have to insert posts into database
- Google Custom Search Engine: ads?
So, is there any search engine written in Go?
has more star and be maintained more often than riot
, I would like to give it a try first.
Looking at the documentation, there are three steps to add search to your website:
Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains
Lets Encrypt tells me that my domain contains an invalid character. What is it?
is configured like this:
1 remark42: 2 image: umputun/remark42:arm64 3 container_name: "remark42" 4 restart: always 5 labels: 6 - traefik.enable=true 7 - traefik.http.routers.remark42.rule=Host(`${REMARK_URL}`) 8 - traefik.http.routers.remark42.entrypoints=https 9 - traefik.http.routers.remark42.tls.certresolver=le 10 -
A && B || C is not the same as if-then-else
I have been thought that if-then-else statement can be written in one line by using A && B || C
but I was wrong.
To speed up my Drone CI time, I configured the static-check step to only run when there are some .go
files have been changed:
1git --no-pager diff --name-only ${DRONE_COMMIT_LINK##*/} | grep -q "\.go$" && golangci-lint run --deadline 2m -v ./... || true
I was thought that A && B || C
is the same as:
How to perform integration testing in Go?
Integration testing can be triggered by using Drone downstream plugin:
1steps: 2- name: trigger 3 image: plugins/downstream:linux-amd64 4 settings: 5 params: 6 - COMMIT_BRANCH=${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH} 7 repositories: 8 - repo/integration-test@${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH} 9 server: 10 token: 11 from_secret: drone_token
It can be separated with unit tests by using build tags:
1// +build integration 2 3package webserver_test
Then we can write code to perform integration test as usual.
Duc Ba church
Duc Ba church, Saigon.
Bị theo dõi (Permanent Record) - Edward Snowden
- 6 tuổi: vặn đồng hồ chậm lại để chơi cho đã
- 7 tuổi: tháo tung con máy Nintendo ra vì đang chơi Super Mario thì bị hỏng
- 7 tuổi rưỡi: chép những dòng code “Hello world” đầu tiên trong một lần được đến công ty ba chơi
- 12 tuổi: làm quen với máy tính trên chiếc Compaq Presario 425 (Intel 486, ổ cứng 200MB)
- 13 tuổi: hack website của Phòng thí nghiệm Quốc gia Los Alamos (sau đó thì được cảm ơn và hẹn liên lạc lại khi nào 18 tuổi)
Save draft mail in Zimbra web client using ChromeDP
As an engineer, I want to automate everything as much as possible. This CLI tool is created to save a draft mail in Zimbra web client.
Read config file:
1func initConfig() { 2 if cfgFile != "" { 3 // Use config file from the flag. 4 viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) 5 } else { 6 // Find home directory. 7 home, err := homedir.Dir() 8 if err != nil { 9 fmt.Println(err) 10 os.Exit(1) 11 } 12 13 // Search config in home directory with name ".zwc" (without extension). 14 viper.AddConfigPath(home) 15 viper.SetConfigName(".zwc") 16 } 17 18 viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match 19 20 // If a config file is found, read it in. 21 if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { 22 log.Fatal(err) 23 } 24 25 fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) 26}
How to trigger build steps based on modified directory?
Using monorepo with multiple micro services, every single commit will trigger a full lint/test/build/publish for every service. What can I do to limit the scope?
To do that, we can use git diff
to show changes between commits:
1 if [[ -n "${DRONE_PULL_REQUEST}" ]]; then 2 most_recent_before="origin/${DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH}" 3 elif [[ "${DRONE_BUILD_EVENT}" = "push" && ("${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}" = "master" || "${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}" = "release-"*) ]]; then 4 if [[ "${DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE}" = "$zero" ]]; then 5 exit 0 6 else 7 most_recent_before="${DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE}" 8 fi 9 fi 10 modified_files=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only "${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA}".."${most_recent_before}");
Hanoi tour
The big church, Hanoi.
Hà Nội Tour (nửa ngày, 0 đêm):
- 6h30: các bạn được đánh thức bởi tiếng nhạc du dương:
- 6h35: di chuyển bằng xe “căng hải” từ phòng ngủ ra William C.
- 6h45: trang phục tự chọn
- 7h: lúc này “xe ôm” đã đứng ở dưới để sẵn sàng phục vụ.
- 7h30: các bạn đang có mặt ở Phan Đình Phùng, một trong những con đường đẹp nhất HN. Tại đây, các bạn thoải mái chụp hình, ngắm lá vàng trong ánh nắng đầu hè dễ chịu.
Drone build is not triggered after pushing code to Gitea?
I pushed code to Gitea and nothing happens in Drone. Why?
But if I go to Settings -> Webhooks, then click “Test Delivery” -> build pipeline will be executed. Why?
First, look at the “Recent Deliveries” to see if a webhook is triggerd here when you pushing code. In my case, it’s not. So, looks like the problem is on Gitea side.
By pay close attention to the git output when pushing:
1Counting objects: 4, done. 2Delta compression using up to 4 threads. 3Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. 4Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 2.02 KiB | 2.02 MiB/s, done. 5Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) 6hint: The 'hooks/pre-receive' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. 7hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`. 8hint: The 'hooks/update' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. 9hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`. 10hint: The 'hooks/post-receive' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. 11hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`. 12To gitea.pi:quanta/blog.git 13 + d29f63d...47e9ed3 master -> master (forced update)