How to add full text search to my static website?
After building the website, I want to add search function. There are some ways to do it:
- ElasticSearch: setup and maintenance cost
- MongoDB: have to insert posts into database
- Google Custom Search Engine: ads?
So, is there any search engine written in Go?
has more star and be maintained more often than riot
, I would like to give it a try first.
Looking at the documentation, there are three steps to add search to your website:
How to perform integration testing in Go?
Integration testing can be triggered by using Drone downstream plugin:
1steps: 2- name: trigger 3 image: plugins/downstream:linux-amd64 4 settings: 5 params: 6 - COMMIT_BRANCH=${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH} 7 repositories: 8 - repo/integration-test@${DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH} 9 server: 10 token: 11 from_secret: drone_token
It can be separated with unit tests by using build tags:
1// +build integration 2 3package webserver_test
Then we can write code to perform integration test as usual.
Save draft mail in Zimbra web client using ChromeDP
As an engineer, I want to automate everything as much as possible. This CLI tool is created to save a draft mail in Zimbra web client.
Read config file:
1func initConfig() { 2 if cfgFile != "" { 3 // Use config file from the flag. 4 viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) 5 } else { 6 // Find home directory. 7 home, err := homedir.Dir() 8 if err != nil { 9 fmt.Println(err) 10 os.Exit(1) 11 } 12 13 // Search config in home directory with name ".zwc" (without extension). 14 viper.AddConfigPath(home) 15 viper.SetConfigName(".zwc") 16 } 17 18 viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match 19 20 // If a config file is found, read it in. 21 if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { 22 log.Fatal(err) 23 } 24 25 fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) 26}
Google Calendar CLI
Our company allows us to work from home some days a week. To do that, we have to create an event in Google Calendar.
I created this tool to run it from CLI.
First, take a look at this quickstart.
Create initical code by running:
1$ cobra init 2 3$ tree -L 2 4. 5├── LICENSE 6├── cmd 7│ └── root.go 8├── main.go
Create event
1$ cobra add event 2$ cobra add insert -p 'eventCmd' 3 4$ tree -L 2 5. 6├── LICENSE 7├── cmd 8│ ├── event.go 9│ ├── event_insert.go 10│ └── root.go 11├── main.go
go/packages.Load: no packages found
I have a mono-repo, structure like this:
1repo 2├── service1 3├── service2 4├── go.mod
I often open the root folder from the command line by using code .
. After that I open a file in service1
, and cannot go to definition. Here’s the logs from gopls
1[Info - 5:49:28 AM] 2019/10/22 05:49:28 20.675656ms for GOROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13/libexec GOPATH=/Users/quanta/go GO111MODULE=auto PWD=/Users/quanta/go/src/ go "list" "-e" "-json" "-compiled=true" "-test=true" "-export=false" "-deps=true" "-find=false" "--" "/Users/quanta/go/src/", stderr: <<go: directory a/b/c is outside main module 2>> 3 4[Error - 5:49:32 AM] Request textDocument/definition failed. 5 Message: go/packages.Load: no packages found for /Users/quanta/go/src/ 6 Code: 0
database/sql: never ignore errors
I’m reading Building RESTful Web Services with Go. And in chapter 4, there is an example to play around with SQLite:
1db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "./books.db") 2if err != nil { 3 log.Fatal(err) 4} 5 6statement, err := db.Prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS books (id INTERGER PRIMARY KEY, isbn INTEGER, author VARCHAR(64), name VARCHAR(64) NULL)") 7if err != nil { 8 log.Fatal(err) 9} else { 10 log.Println("Created table books successfully") 11} 12statement.Exec() 13 14statement, err = db.Prepare("INSERT INTO books (name, author, isbn) VALUES (?, ?, ?)") 15if err != nil { 16 log.Fatal(err) 17} 18statement.Exec("Life is a joke", "The Javna brothers", 123456789) 19log.Println("Inserted first book into db") 20rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, name, author FROM books") 21var tempBook Book 22for rows.Next() { 23 rows.Scan(&, &, & 24 log.Printf("ID: %d, Book: %s, Author: %s\n",,, 25}
How do I build this blog?
Recently, I decided to find a new job as a Golang developer. So, I updated my resume, sent to my friends to ask for review. Then I submitted it enclosed herewith a cover letter to recruiters. Some didn’t reply, and the other replied with a message like this “You are so good, but I’m so sorry…”.
What is the reason?
As you can see in my resume, I started my career as a .NET developer, then my passionate on Linux and open source lead me to a different direction: system administrator. I dedicated myself to this role for a significant period before transitioning back to work as a Golang developer 2 years ago.
Auto reload your Go webserver with Gulp
When you developp a webserver with Go, you must compile each time you do an update in your code. Well.. this is redundant. With Gulp you can automatize this task… Indeed, when a go file is modified, a task compile the application in the “bin” folder (“gopath/bin”) then another launch the executable (the webserver).
1const gulp = require('gulp'), 2 util = require('gulp-util'), 3 notifier = require('node-notifier'), 4 child = require('child_process'), 5 os = require('os'), 6 path = require('path'); 7 8var server = 'null' 9 10function build() { 11 var build = child.spawn('go', ['install']); 12 13 build.stdout.on('data', (data) => { 14 console.log(`stdout: ${data}`); 15 }); 16 17 build.stderr.on('data', (data) => { 18 console.error(`stderr: ${data}`); 19 }); 20 21 return build; 22} 23 24function spawn(done) { 25 if (server && server != 'null') { 26 server.kill(); 27 } 28 29 var path_folder = process.cwd().split(path.sep) 30 var length = path_folder.length 31 var app = path_folder[length - parseInt(1)]; 32 33 if (os.platform() == 'win32') { 34 server = child.spawn(app + '.exe') 35 } else { 36 server = child.spawn(app) 37 } 38 39 server.stdout.on('data', (data) => { 40 console.log(`stdout: ${data}`); 41 }); 42 43 server.stderr.on('data', (data) => { 44 console.log(`stderr: ${data}`); 45 }); 46 47 done(); 48} 49 50const serve = gulp.series(build, spawn) 51function watch(done) { 52['*.go', '**/*.go'], serve); 53 done(); 54} 55 56exports.serve = serve = watch 58exports.default = gulp.parallel(serve, watch)