"Life is all about sharing. If we are good at something, pass it on." - Mary Berry

nnn: wcswidth returns different values for same Unicode code point between macOS and Linux


When attempting to integrate nnn with Helix, I encountered an interesting issue that resulted in duplicate first characters in the filename:

nnn duplicate first character in the filename on macOS

What’s interesting is that this issue doesn’t occur on Linux:

nnn on Linux

I’ve spent several days troubleshooting this problem but haven’t been able to identify the root cause. The only solution I could come up with is a workaround, and I must admit, I’m still not entirely satisfied with it.


How I setup a new Macbook in 2023


I purchased my first MacBook Pro in 2013 prior to transitioning to remote work. In my job, we were using saltstack to build an automation tool. In order to delve deeper into Salt, I decided to configure my Macbook using it, and I documented the process here.

I also utilized this method to set up another Macbook for my older sister.

In 2018, due to work requirements, 8GB of memory proved insufficient to run Windows on VirtualBox, prompting me to acquire a second hand MacBook with 16GB of RAM.


Load averages approximately 1000 on macOS?


Em “vợ” ra đời năm 2015, cưới về năm 2018, loa đã rè, pin đã chai.

Một ngày đẹp trời bật máy lên và không làm được gì. Load gần… 1000 (trong ảnh là sau khi đã restart, và hơn 30p sau mới gõ được w):

Load Averages 600

Mình thử khởi động lại thì mất khoảng 5-10p mới đến chỗ gõ password. Search thấy có bạn thay cable ổ cứng thì hết nhưng đời 2015 thì ổ cứng không có cable.